Who is the Best Man at the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton?
The Best Man at the Royal Wedding of Prince William & Kate
Middleton was Prince Harry, Prince William's brother.
What was Prince Henry's role in the wedding ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton?
Prince Henry was Prince William's Best Man at the wedding.
When is Prince Harry and Kate Middleton's wedding?
There is no wedding between Prince Harry and Kate Middleton.
Kate Middleton is marrying Prince Harry's brother Prince William on
29th April 2011.
When was the royal wedding of Prince William and kate?
They say that the Royal wedding for Kate Middleton and Prince
William will be held in Westminister Abbey and Kate will be led by
her farther to the front were the happy couple will say they desire
to be married.
What is the official name that Kate will have to repeat during her wedding to Prince William?
princess kate
Is Rowan Atkinson due to attend the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton?
Yes. Rowan Atkinson has been invited and is expected to attend
the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.