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January 1 is a Thursday, the month covers part of 5 weeks.

February 1 is a Sunday, and the month covers only 4 weeks (if you start your week on a Sunday. If you start on a Monday, then it would be 5).

March 1 is a Sunday, and the month covers parts of 5 weeks.

April 1 is a Wednesday and the month covers 5 weeks.

May 1 is a Friday and the month covers 5 weeks.

June 1 is a Monday and the month covers 5 weeks.

July 1 is a Wednesday and the month covers 5 weeks.

August 1 is a Saturday and the month covers 6 weeks.

September 1 is a Tuesday and the month covers 5 weeks.

October 1 is a Thursday and the month covers 5 weeks.

November 1 is a Sunday and the month covers 5 weeks. (if you start your week on a Sunday. If you start on a Monday, then it would be 6).

December 1 is a Tuesday and the month covers 5 weeks.

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Q: How many weeks are there in each calendar month of the year 2015?
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The 365-day solar calendar, divided into 18 months of 20 days. Each month is divided into four five-day weeks

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In the Gregorian calendar, each month does not - so the question is misguided.

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The answer is a calendar. Each month, the date changes regardless of how actively or minimally the calendar is used.

How do you count months: by weeks or by date?

Months are typically counted by date, based on the calendar system. Each month has a specific number of days, and the date is used to determine the passage of time within a month. Weeks are not commonly used to count months, as months do not have a consistent number of weeks.

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A DM(Detailed Month) Calendar is a detailed month view calendar. It will have one month on a page, with each day in its own block and room to write any notes for the day.

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4 weeks

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