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90 braves plus the chief, Massasoit.

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Q: How many pilgrims and native American attend the thanksgiving feast?
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Is thanksgiving a Native American tradition?

Thanksgiving is not a Native American tradition. It was created by the Pilgrims.

Which was the first native American tribe to share the thanksgiving feast?


What native American tribe befriended the pilgrims before thanksgiving?

Ojibway tribe

What Native American tribe celebrated Thanksgiving?

The Wampanoag Indian tribe first celebrated Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims.

Who joined the Pilgrims' feast?

If you mean the Thanksgiving feast, the Native Americans or American Indians joined the pilgrims' feast after teaching the pilgrims about native foods.

What holiday was first celebrated by the American colonist?

The Pilgrims of the Plymouth Rock colony celebrated the first Thanksgiving with Native Americans.

In what year did the pilgrims and Native American friends hold the first Thanksgiving feast?


Who where at the first Thanksgiving?

Native Americans and the pilgrims from the areas in which it was held.

Would you capitalize Indians in the sentence Native American Indians joined the Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving feast?

just write Native Americans.

In 1621 the Pilgrims and the Native Americans had a feast to give thanks for their harvest This was the precursor to what modern American holiday?


Which native American was the first to welcome the pilgrims?

The first Native American to greet the Pilgrims was Samoset. He greeted and spoke to them in English, which he had learned prior to their arrival from some English sailors.

What was the name of the native American group that ate the first thanksgiving dinner with the first early colonist known as pilgrims?

The Wampanog tribe ate the first Thanksgiving meal with the pilgrims.