Three months had five Saturdays in 2012. They were June, September and December.
There are 5 months which are January, April, July, October, and December.
In 2013 March, June, August and November each have 5 Saturdays.
The month of July has 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays zerotimes in 2012.
Here is list of Months the have 5 Saturdays in 2011 January, April, July, October, December
5 of them.
If payday is Friday, there were four months with five Fridays in 2012.
Oh, dude, there are only four months in a year that can have 5 Saturdays: January, April, July, and October. So, like, if you're looking for those extra Saturdays to party or just chill, those are the months to mark on your calendar. But hey, who's counting, right?
A month always has 28 or more days, so as there are 7 days in a week there are always at least 4 Saturdays and four Sundays in a month. As most months have more than 28 days, there can be up to 5 Saturdays and up to 5 Sundays in a month.