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Q: How many holidays are you allowed at work?
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Where do most Ancient Roman Holidays occur?

The Romans did not really have holidays in the modern sense. They did not have set times where they had days or weeks off work just for leisure. They had many religious festivals which occurred throughout the year as they had many gods and rituals. These were recorded in the calendar and in the fasti, a record religiously sanctioned events. There were dies fasti (allowed days) where state and societal business were allowed and dies nefasti, where they were not allowed, but they still had to work. Some rituals lasted for days and involved time off work, others were short and simple and did not impinge on work. Not surprisingly the rich could afford to give themselves holidays and the area between Terracina and Pompeii was a a favourite for holiday villas.

Why does so many cultures have winter holidays?

Many cultures have winter holidays because the winter months were difficult and dangerous. The holidays brought people together in large gatherings and allowed them to be comforted and refreshed by contact with friends and family.

How many work days in Canada in 2009?

In regards to federal holidays - and some provincial holidays in Quebec - There are approximately 252 work days in 2009.

How many holidays does Spain have?

Each municipality is allowed to have a maximum of 14 public holidays per year. The government chooses 9 of these. At least 2 of these are chosen locally.

How many hours on holidays did workers in the industrial revolution have to work?

It varied.

How many hours does a waffle house manager work?

60+ I have worked as many as 93. The winter holidays are usually when I work the most. The holidays themselves and weather play a role. I made $47,000 last year.

How many work days in 2011?

250 working days. There will be 8 official holidays.

How many hours can a 14 year old work holidays?

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How many total hours in year are worked if you work a 40 hour week.?

How many days of vacation do you get? How many holidays do you get? In general it would be about 2000 hours with major holidays.

What do serfs do on holidays?

Serfs typically had limited time off and were expected to work most days of the year. However, during holidays, they might have some rest from their usual duties and engage in festive activities like feasting, dancing, and attending church services. Some holidays provided a break from work and allowed serfs to spend time with their families and communities.

Did slaves have to work on holidays?
