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Q: How many days were in February in 1918?
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What are the release dates for Many a Slip - 1918?

Many a Slip - 1918 was released on: USA: 9 February 1918

How many people were born in Russia from February 1 to February 13 in 1918?

None, because those dates never existed in Russia. Russia had been on the Julian Calendar, which was thirteen days behind the rest of the world which was on the more accurate Gregorian Calendar. By order of Vladimir Lenin, Russia switched to the Gregorian Calendar by decreeing that the day after January 31, 1918 would be February 14, 1918 thereby skipping completely over February 1 to February 13, 1918.

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How many days was Russia behind the western world when it used the Julian calendar?

Russia was behind the West by 13 days because it had been using the Julian Calendar. It changed to the Gregorian Calendar when it was decreed that the day after January 31, 1918 would be February 14, 1918, thereby skipping 13 days.

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February 1930, had 28 days.

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There was 29 days in February of 1836.

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There were 28 days in February 1941.

How many days were in February 1954?

There were 28 days in February 1954.

How many days in February 2002?

In 2002, February had 28 days.

How many days are in February in 2010?

February 2010 has 28 days.

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February 2000 had 29 days.

How many days were in February 1885?

There were 28 days in February 1885.