From 1 January 2012 to 1 August 2012 is 213 days. From 31 January 2012 to 1 August 2012 is 183 days. From 1 January 2012 to 31 August 2012 is 243 days.
There were 138 days from March 30th 2008 to August 15th 2008.
The number of days from January 1, 2008 to August 15, 2008 is 227 days.
730 days
144 days.
366 days, because it includes the 29th of February 2008.
16 days from the 8th August to the 24th August
13,880 days
There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).
121 days
Including the start and end dates in the calculation, there are 1237 days between the two dates.
320 days