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Q: How many days peter fast?
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How many days was Anna Hazare's fast?

13 days

How many days did Cesar fast?

He fasted for 36 days.. :)

How many days bhagat singh taking fast?

114 days

How many days does it take if you send a letter from Mthatha to Johannesburg using fast mail?

2 days

Is 35 days a long time?

No not really usually a month goes by fast an then 4-5 days (pending how many days in the previous month) also goes by fast. so it is not as long as you may think.

What if you drop the Torah?

you have to fast for 40 days

How many days did Jesus fast before he began his public life?


How many days to Reach the moon?

It takes about 3 days for a spacecraft to reach the Moon from Earth.

What has the author Peter Greiner written?

Peter Greiner has written: 'Fast ein Prolet'

How many days would it take to get to Jupiter from Earth?

Depends how fast you're going :)

When do people who are christian fast?

people fast anytime and can do it how many days they want to fast they cand do it until 3 or 6 o clock without drinking water or food.

How many earth days would it take to cover 793 million miles?

How fast are you moving?