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Q: How many countries eat there Christmas dinner with there family?
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Can you have geese for Christmas dinner?

Yes, Goose is a traditional Christmas dinner bird, not as common a Turkey though.

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Why do you have Pork Ham and Turkey for Christmas dinner?

Christmas is a time of festivity in the family or the community celebrating and having Christmas dinner together. Turkey is a big fowl and can be served to many people unlike a smaller bird like a duck or chicken.Similarly pork meat is tender and from a medium sized animal suitable for a large gathering.

Where is the place that many australians eat Christmas dinner?


How many countries celebrate Christmas?

More than 160 countries celebrate Christmas. A few countries refer to the holiday as Family Day, including Angola and Uruguay. Some countries--like Jordan and Pakistan--designate December 25th as an official holiday only for Christians.

Do Italian people go anywhere for Christmas?

Italian people sometimes travel to other countries to visit family on Christmas, but it is normal to spend Christmas at home in Italy. Many people travel to Italy to celebrate Christmas as well.

What do Americans eat for Christmas?

Each American family has their own traditions, but there are some foods which are fairly common around Christmas. Those foods which many consume are ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, and sweet potatoes.

What are the many different ways to celebrate Christmas?

Explain to your kids whatChristmas means, Family get together and celebrate the birth of Christ Make cup cakes for the birth of Christ family making dinner together , laugh , talk, sing.

What are the essential items for a happy Christmas?

As for what makes a happy Christmas depends on the person but the stereotypical happy Christmas always involves many things. Family, food, gifts, cookies, egg nog, cookies, more cookies, dinner, friends, oh and we may have forgotten to mention cookies.

What is the Chinese tradition of setting the table at Christmas?

Christmas is a Western holiday. While the Chinese celebrate Christmas it is not the big family affair that it would be in most Western homes. To many of the Chinese, it is just another normal day at the dinner table with the added bonus of gift exchanging afterwards.

What is typical for a Turkey dinner?

Many people serve turkey dinner for special occasions such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. A typical turkey dinner normally consists of a roasted turkey served with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and vegetables. Cranberry sauce is served to top off the turkey.

How many tablecloths are on the Provencal Christmas Table?

Three. There is more information on the Provencal Christmas Table setting and on the Christmas dinner tradition at the related link below.