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for the romans It only had 10 months

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Q: How is the first calendar different from ours?
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How is the first calendar different from the calendar you use?

The new calendar has pictures

Why is the Chinese calendar different to ours?

You did not identify which calendar you mean by "ours", which in itself kind of answers your question. Around the world there are many different calendars being used, based on things like culture or religion. In terms of duration, some are based on the sun and some on the moon and some combining the two. So your calendar, be it the Islamic or Jewish or Gregorian or Bengali or one of the many others used, would be different to the Chinese calendar and all of the other ones.

How is the aztec calendar alike to ours?

sort of...

How was the Aztec calendar similar to ours?


How many months did the the Aztecs have how is their calendar alike and different from ours?

The Aztec calendar was composed of 18 months. The calendar consisted of a 365-day calendar cycle called xiuhpohualli (year count) and a 260-day ritual cycle called tonalpohualli (day count). It is an agricultural calendar, based on the sun.

How is the aztecs calendar alike and different from ours?

The Aztec calendar, known as the tonalpohualli, was a ritual calendar with 260 days in a cycle, while our Gregorian calendar has 365 days in a year. Both calendars have different ways of measuring time and organizing days, but they both serve the same purpose of marking the passage of time and important events.

How is the Aztec calendar different from ours?

The Aztec calendar is made up of two interlocking cycles, the 260-day Sacred Calendar and the 365-day Solar Calendar, creating a 52-year calendar round. This is different from our Gregorian calendar, which is a 365-day solar calendar with a leap year every four years. Additionally, the Aztec calendar was based on a combination of astronomical observations, religious beliefs, and mathematical calculations.

How different is the mayan calendar from ours?

It is different by...................................................................... Learn from wikipedia just search Mayan calender and they will teach you about it

How is the first Television different from ours?

The first television is very different from the ones we have now because of the depth , picture quality , and color.

What makes the liturgical calendar different from the calendars?

The yearly calendar begins JANUARY 1 but the liturgical calendar begins on the first Sunday of Advent

How does a lunar calendar differ from other calendars?

A lunar calendar is a calendar based on the phases of the moon as opposed to one determined by the Sun, known as the solar calendar. The lunar calendar varies from different regions. For example, the Hindu calendar starts their first day of the month on a different day than to the Chinese calendar.

When Cleopatra was alive what year was it according to her?

October of 69 B.C. Cleopatra used the Egyptian calendar, which had different names for the months and years than ours. To get an idea of the year names that Cleopatra would have used, type in "Egyptian Calendar" on your browser and go from there.