The old English name for All Saints Day was All Hallows Day. The night before was All Hallows Eve which was shortened to Halloween.
Halloween is on October 31 and All Saints Day is November 1.
The Solemnity of All Saints, All Hallows, and Hallowmas are the Roman Catholic Church's names for what most people call All Saints' Day.See the related link listed below for more information:
All Saints' Day
All Saints DayAll Saints Day
The old name for All Saints day was all hallows day and the night before was All Hallow's een from which we get Halloween
It would be All Saints Day on November 1'st.
Halloween used to be called All Saints Day.
All Saints Day.
Halloween was originally All Souls Day or All Saints Day. The Church still celebrates it as All Souls Day.
All Saints' DayNovember 1st --- the day after Halloween --- is All Saints' Day. Some Christian congregations go to church for special services on this day.
November 1st, All Saints Day!
Masks are not worn on All Saints Day. They are worn on All Hallows Eve - Halloween.