Only some veterans go back. If they get called back or they choose to.
Go to a Veteran's Day Parade.
I would guess from the day he was born!
How far back does family go back
To admire Veterans who served in the United States military, even if they were not in war, why admire the people who do not go to war? you ask. We admire them because they are taking time out of their life, to go serve our country.
Go to a parade or go to a Memorial Service or somewhere Veterans are speaking. Set up a display in your local library or other public place. Don't ForGet..... Hug a Vet
I want to go home - Michael Buble
Memorial Day is a holiday that people celabrate veterans that has passed away or even ones that are still with us.Some people might go to a veterans grave and put a flag on it to honor them.
Sometime you have to go to school because veterns day is not like a special holiday like Christmas,Valentine day,Fathers Day, and Mothers Day
They can go back as far as they wish. They get to determine the perimeters of the background search.
We as Americans should honor every single soldiers that has risked and gave their lives to protect ours and our country. Even the one's that are still standing next to us today. Veterans Day shoulnd't just be a day when people take the day off to go shopping. that not what Veteran's Day is about.
Some do and some dont, It depends where they are, if they were out fighting they would probaly have to continue, but I know there are veterans who go to interviews, schools, and etc. to show and talk with people to tell them what its like and stuff about them. So basically it all depends