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Q: How does toussaint l'ouverture still affects us today?
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it affects because it is a good way to keep organized it affects because there will be low cast

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Pandora is a part of the studies of any student of history or Greek religion, and thus that story affects and reflects in the world of today.

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The younger generation can only visit the sites and study the experience.

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yes because we still use sewing machines today so without the inventor we wouldn't be able to use them. if you use a sewing machine then yes - the inventor affects you

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the fourth amendment affects our society today because we still have rights as humans, we can be put to jail for crime, and most of all we shall not be violated.

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it does no affect you because even if you don't go to church you can still read your bible at home

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It affects us by what language and alfabet we use today in the western part of the world and their great army ha taught us what to do in an army..

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The Declaration of Independence is still used today. It affects every person in the United States, because it help to protect their rights as humans.

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Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte was born on November 1, 1720 and died on June 10, 1791. Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte would have been 70 years old at the time of death or 294 years old today.

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we still talk about it because it was one of the darkest period ever in history and what we see is that it maybe still affects the Indians right now..