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He poops chocolate

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Q: How does the Easter bunny make candy?
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Can the Easter Bunny grant wishes?

No. The Easter Bunny gives chocolate and candy.

How does the Easter bunny give you candy?

That is a well-kept secret that only the Easter bunny knows.

Would the Easter Bunny give you for Easter the Just Dance 3 game?

Probably not. The Easter Bunny distributes Easter Eggs and candy.

What is the reason for the Easter bunny?

To give candy and money to me =)

On vizwoz where is Easter bunny live?

he lives in candy land

What does the Easter bunny like to eat except for carrots?

candy for the children(:

Really is there a real Easter Bunny that exists in real life for real?

No, there is not an bunny that delivers candy and baskets.

Why does the Easter bunny poop out eggs with candy in them?

The Easter Bunny poops out candy because he's not real. Imaginary things can do whatever they want.

What is a Easter?

Easter is the holiday of spring when the Easter bunny leaves plastic eggs full of money or candy . If the Easter Bunny really even exists , we don't know. what we all here is what people think , not what is true.

Does the Easter bunny exsist?

no, there is no such thing as a giant bunny that gives away candy. if you bilive that you are crazy well i saw my parents putting candy in my living room

How does the Easter bunny get around the world?

The Easter bunny gets around the world by hopping so fast. My mom used to tell me that the Easter Bunny uses Santa Clauses' Sleigh. She said that the elves helped to color the eggs, too. Then the Easter Bunny and Santa ride around and hide the eggs, and sometimes give out candy or other nik-naks. In return, the Easter Bunny would then help Santa make presents, or distribute them around the world for Christmas.

Is the Easter bunny a snake?

The Easter Bunny is a Bunny (: