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Try to relax and find a way to take the edge off (go dancing, indulge in some delicious cake, if you are of age a drink or the like, whatever is your comfort, within prudence). Walk yourself, if need be, through the mental process that you can at this point be no less in a relationship with your crush, then approach him/her and attempt to make conversation. Start with something small and light (favourite TV shows, books, movies, the weather, local news, the like) and see how it goes, then branch out from there. If you like what you find, and your crush seems to feel that way as well, take steps to contact later on ('Are you on Facebook?' 'I've enjoyed talking so much, could I get your number so we can do this again sometime?' 'I'd love to email or chat with you again' etc), and part with a smile and possibilities. You just need to realize there is nothing to be afraid of, you have nothing to lose, and just take the plunge.

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Q: How do you invite your crush to your party?
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You should invite your crush. Just give him or her a casual invitation and make sure that they aren't uncomfortable or feel weird. If they will be the only boy or girl at the party, you might want to tell him or her to bring a friend.

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13 as amny as possible! this is you becoming an official teenager, it has to be big, right? but definetely invite guys to party, and then girls to saty for the night. you must invite your crush, it will really help your chances!

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yesterday, I invited my crush to my b-day party, and to my surprise, today he said that he would come. i was so happy. can't wait till My party tomorrow!!B·)

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you should invite how every much people you want to invite

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my guess is you should probably have a party and invite some people and invite her and then get to know smooth not pushy.

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