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on Christmas day i feel joy and happiness,exited, I feel the light of Christ in side me

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Happiness?? Joy??

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Q: How do people feel in Christmas?
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because most of them are traditional like log roll and SANTA <3s mince pies so we eat all of them !:)

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Many people have sadness at Christmas time. It is such a family based holiday that being away from loved ones and remembering those that have passed on often bring sad thoughts to mind.

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Personally I don't think there is a particular point to Christmas decorations, simply to make everyone feel more in the "Christmas spirit" and feel a lot happier :)

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It depends on what type of person you are. If you dislike Christmas you may react differently to other people on whether it feels like Christmas or not. The weather could also have an effect on you, and depending on how quickly you felt the year went.

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I know how they feel. I work EMS and I have to work on Christmas day, Even as a Christian, . Merry Christmas

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Some People have Christmas dinner on Christmas day and some people eat it on Boxing day