Ways to Celebrate Jesus' Birthday
Have Birthday Cake - Bake or buy a cake for Jesus. Place one large candle in the middle to signify unity and love.
Sing Happy Birthday - Gather family and friends around to light the candle and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus all together. Take time to remember the miracle surrounding the birth of Jesus.
Open Gifts - Have everyone write down what gift they will give Jesus this year or give others in his name. Place "promise" in small boxes or envelopes in the middle of table or basket. Have each guest open the gift for Jesus and read aloud.
Relive the Day - Go to Christmas Mass, a Pageant/Play, Concert, and/or Rent a Movie that reminds us of the miracle of Christmas.
Courtesy of www.CatholicScoop.com
...or... have Christmas because Christmas is the christian celebration of Jesus' birthday
In Aramaic, the phrase "Happy Birthday Jesus" can be translated as "Yom Huledet Same'ach L'Yeshua."
The appropriate greeting for Easter is 'Happy Easter'. If one were to say Happy Birthday Jesus, at Christmas, they could say Christ is Risen at Easter.
jesus real birthday
The cast of Happy Birthday Jesus - 2009 includes: Enrico Marcellino as Jesus
Feliz cumpleaños, Chris
How to say happy birthday in tibetan
Happy Early Birthday! Or..... If there birthday is in a week, you could say.... Happy "ONE WEEK" before your birthday!
happy birthday
Happy birthday to ______ Happy birthday to you!
How do you say Happy Birthday in haida language
Belize's official language is English, so you don't say it any different than how you normally say it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
happy birthday