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By celebrating it and keeping its laws.

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Q: How Do The Hebrews Remember The Passover?
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Related questions

How did the Hebrews decorate on Passover?

There is no traditional concept of decorating on Passover.

What was the importance of the Passover?

it celebrates the hebrews escape from slavery

Did the Hebrews leave Egypt the morning after the Passover meal?

The Passover celebration commemorates the flight from Egypt. There was no Passover meal before the flight.

What is the feast which remembers God's saving action of the Hebrews?

The passover.

What does the hoilday of Passover celebrate?

Passover celebrates the time when the Hebrews fled from Egypt and Moses led them, chasing after them was Pharaoh's army. Moses then parted the sea to let the Hebrews cross and closed the sea on Pharaoh's army. I xxx

Why is Passover to remember those who are not FREE?

That is not what Passover is about at all! Passover is to remember that G-d took the Jews out of Egypt, that he made the ten plagues, and that he split the Yam Suf (Sea of Reeds).

What do you remember at Passover?

The exodus from Egypt

What is the real meaning of Passover?

Passover is a Jewish and Samaritan celebration of the Hebrews' escape from bondage in Egypt. In the book of Exodus, in the bible, God sent ten plagues among Pharoah and the Egyptians to get Pharaoah to free the Hebrews. On the tenth plague, God warned the killing of the first born child of every home, with the exception of the Hebrews' home with the blood of a lamb spread on their doorpost. That night, God sent his holy spirit, and the homes with the blood of the lamb on the doorposts were passed over, creating the term passover. As a result, Pharoah freed the Hebrews.

Why should the Hebrews remember the exodus?

Hebrews should remember the Exodus because God and and Moses helped the Israelites regain their freedom.

What is the Passover called today in churches?

The Passover is still the Passover, or Pesach, to the Jews. In the Christian calendar, Good Friday which is observed two days before Easter Sunday, falls at the same time as the Jewish Passover.

How do Jews remember such a time as the Passover?

By celebrating it every year.

What was the day called when Moses saved the hebrews?

Passover (in Hebrew pronounced "Pesach" - פסח ). The Israelites were freed on the 15th of Nissan (which occurs in April).