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A Festival Of Lights or Pollution?

This Diwali make a pledge to reduce environmental pollution, not increase it.

Do you encourage your kids to burn firecrakers on Diwali? Do you go all out and splurge at the nearest store, so your kids can shoot rockets in the air, light 'anars' and 'chakris'? Here's why you should think twice.

Child Exploitation

Your children are fortunate to be part of the privileged few that can afford firecrackers. But there are numerous children who are employed by the firecracker industry, who sit late into the night making crackers for your children to burn in an instant. Firecrackers are made using harmful chemicals and acids, and these children work from dawn to dusk, breathing such harmful fumes and coming into constant skin contact with the acids. They burn their hands, legs and eyes, and many get miamed for life. The conditions they work in are inhumance, and the compensation, pitiful.

Air Pollution

A heavy smog hangs low in the air on Diwali night and a few days after that. While we ignore the smell - and some even claim to like it - we can't ignore the fact that we are inhaling poison. The levels of sulphur nitrates, magnesium, nitrogen dioxide increase, and these chemicals are injurious to our respiratory passages. Asthamatics, beware! Diwali can be potentially fatal!


One Diwali night causes as much damage to the ecology as regular pollution does over the span of a year.

Noise Pollution

'Bombs' are a favourite amongst kids, and the noisier the better. This leads to noise pollution, and a prolonged exposure to such high levels of noise can lead to permanent damage of the eardrums.


The amount of garbage released on the day after Diwali is phenomenal. Approximately 4,000 additional metric tonnes of garbage are released in Delhi alone, and twice the amount in Mumbai. And this garbage, far from being eco-friendly, is extremely hazardous for the environment as it comprises of chemicals like phosphorous, sulphur and potassium chlorate, and tonnes of burnt paper.


Numerous fire accidents occur every year. Rough estimates claim that nearly 10,000 people get injured by the crackers. Most of the injuries are minor, but cause an untold amount of pain. Most of the victims are children in the age group of 8-16.

School Campaigns

A few schools around the country are encouraging their students not to burn firecrackers. Perhaps it's time you did the same.

Firecracker Display

Take your children to a clubhouse or encourage your neighbourhood society to hold a firework display, followed by dinner. In this manner a lot fewer fireworks get burnt, and one doesn't feel that they haven't 'celebrated' this festival in the manner it calls for.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Crackers produce noise causing noise pollution. Smoke from crackers pollute he air.

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9y ago

The litters and garbage caused by crackers cause land pollution. also air and noise pollution is caused

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Yes, there is air pollution on diwali .This is because the smoke which is harmful to environment and makes hole in ozone layer .So crackers are means of pollution to the environment in diwali.

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One should not burn crackers on Diwali. it causes pollution.

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