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We are proud to be Indians.

Apart from our culture,

civilisation, brotherly attitude

towards all religions, casts and

communities, the most important

binding factor is our National

Tricolour which symbolises all

that our society stands for. Even

after 60 years of independence

we celebrate the day with utmost

serenity and commitment

because we know the struggle

and sacrifices our fore-fathers

did to gain independence for our

mother India. There may be

minor lacuna's and deficiencies

but I have no doubt in my mind

that but for their struggle and

sacrifices, we would not have

reached where we are today.

According to me, the message of

our tricolour is to use our

freedom for building friendly

neighbourhood, providing care

and comfort to the needy, using

the national resource for the

upliftment of the down trodden

and above all to hold the values

of our country at the highest

peak of global tower. Let us

recommit ourselves to this

objective. Jai Hind.

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Q: How 2 give 2 min speech about independence day?
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