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Light the middle candle and number 1 candle (farthest right) for the 1st night of Channukah. Night 2 do the middle candle and the first 2 candles (farthest right, 2nd farthest right), etc. :)

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Q: Hanukkah candles light the middle on December 21 or the number one candle?
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Which candle is the tallest on the menorah?

The middle candle on the Menorah is called a Shamash - with the "a" being pronounced as in "father" and the stress being on the last syllable - [shaMASH].However, it needn't be the middle candle - sometimes the shamash is at the end of the row and sometimes next to it.Customary configurations would include:xxxxSxxxxSxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxSxxxxxxxx......SSome people have the custom of having 2 Shamash candles for each menorah.

Why are there more candles than days of Hanukkah?

There are the right number of candles in every box of Hanukkah candles: 44. Hanukkah is celebrated for 8 nights, and candles are lit each night. The first night, 2 candles are lit. then 3 the next night and so on until all nine candles are lit. 2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 44' The reason there is one extra candle per day is that this candle is called the "helper" candle and is used to light the others.

What happens during the middle of Hanukkah?

During each of the 8 days of Hanukkah the same thing happens: Jews light the menorah after sunset; on the first day one candle and each day adding another until on the eighth evening they light 8 candles. An additional candle is lit nearby and is used to kindle the candles of the menorah..

What are some lights and candles of Hanukkah?

the menorah and the nine candles are on it. the middle one lights the other eight.

What does the candle in the middle mean?

The middle candle is called the SHAMUS. Since it is prohibited to utilize the light from candles that fulfill the commandment, it is necessary to have an auxiliary light source to prevent accidental use of the commandment lights. The middle candle is also used to light the other candles or to relight candles that were blown out. This non commandment candle is placed above or to the side of the commandment candles to identify its function.

What is the Shamash?

yo its Michael rizal from cerritos elementary 08-09 watsup A Shamash is the extra candle of the menorah standing in the middle. IT is the talest out of the nine yooooo im still researching and finding it out look in and Google

What does the middle candle of the menorah represent?

The middle candle of the menorah, called the shamash, is used to light the other candles. It symbolizes the idea of spreading light to others and serving as a helper or servant.

Does size and shape affect how candles burn if the candles have the same amount of wax?

The shape and angle of candle will effect how long a candle burns because when a candles reaches the middle of glass jar candle, the lack of oxygen to feed the fire causes it to go out.

How many candles shold be lit on the menorah today Dec 15 2012?

Before sundown, 8 candles (middle candle plus 7). At sundown, all nine candles should be lit as the last day of Hanuka begins at sundown on December 15, 2012.

What is Chanukah 2012 and how is it celebrated?

Chanukah (also spelled Hanukkah) is a Jewish festival celebrated for 8 days. It is also called the Festival of Lights. This year Chanukah is celebrated from December 8th - December 16th 2012. There is a candle holder with 9 stems called a Menorah. One stem in the middle sits higher or lower than the rest. It is called Samash and it provides light for lighting the other candles. Each night for eight nights one candles is lit.

Which way do you light Hanukkah candles?

The first candle goes into the holder furthest right on the menorah with the shamash (the attendant candle, used to light the others, placed in its own holder which will be either higher, lower or otherwise separate from the others. On the second night, another candle is placed in the next holder to the left. The newest candle is lit first, then the next to the right and so on.

What does it mean to have 3 candles at your wedding?

It usually symbolizes two becoming one. The ceremony starts with the two outside candles burning and the middle one not lit. During the ceremony, the bride and groom each take a lit candle and combine their flames into one on the center candle. After the center candle is lit, they extinguish the flames on their individual candles.