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Q: Dr Maulana Karenga established what holiday in 1966?
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here the subject is-MAULANA

Who thought of kwaanza?

Kwanzaa was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga, a professor of Africana studies, in 1966. He developed the holiday as a way to celebrate African and African-American culture, history, and values.

Who started the Kwanzaa tradition?

it started in 1966

Who was the teacher who founded Kwanzaa?

Maulana Ron Karenga(b. Ronald McKinley Everett, July 14, 1941) is the person responsible for the first kwanzaa. The first celebration ran from the last week of December 1966 until New Year's Day 1967. Each year since, the event celebrates the African heritage of African-American communities in the United States of America.

What part of Africa did Kwanzaa come from?

Kwanzaa originated in the United States. Ron Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966 as the first specifically African-American holiday. Karenga said his goal was to "...give Blacks an alternative to the existing holiday." (Christmas) === ===

Is Kwanzaa a real holiday?

Yes. Kwanzaa is a made-up celebration that was invented in 1966 by Maulana "Ron" Karenga. Karenga is a former black militant, an obvious Marxist, and a felon who hates white people. Kwanzaa masks itself as an "African" holiday celebration, despite the fact that it isn't celebrated ANYWHERE in the continent of Africa. It was developed as the black anti-Christmas. There isn't anything about this holiday that is not fraudulent.

How many people celebrate Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa is NOT a religious celebration. It is a week-long celebration in the U.S. created in 1966 by the Black Nationalist Movement's Ron Karenga to honor African heritage and culture.

Is Kwanzaan African?

Kwanzaa is a holiday that was first created and celebrated in the United States, so it does not represent an indigenous tradition of Africa. Kwanzaa was created by Maulana Karenga in 1966, and the holiday was embraced by Black pride and Black nationalism groups in the United States at that time. It was intended to celebrate black culture, history, and identity, and provide an alternative to mainstream holidays of the dominant culture.

When was the Kwanzaa feastival created by whom?

Maulana Ron Karenga(b. Ronald McKinley Everett, July 14, 1941) is the person responsible for the first kwanzaa, in 1966.Specifically, the first celebration ran from the last week of December 1966 until New Year's Day 1967. Each year since, the event celebrates the African heritage of African-American communities in the United States of America. The celebrations always are held on the same date and in the same way each year. So the first celebration in 1966 was the beginning of a festive celebration that has become a traditional part of African-American culture.

When was Kwanzaa created?

Dr. Maulana Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966 as the first African American holiday. He was born Ronald McKinley Everett on a poultry farm in Parsonsburg, Maryland on July 14, 1941. He would eventually change his name many years later.Karengo is a professor and Chair of the Department of African Studies at California State University, Long Beach.

Who are the founders of Kwanzaa?

Dr. Mulana (I'm not sure about the spelling) Karenga founded it in 1966.