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no, the maid of honor and best man do not to be Catholic

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No. Nor do any of the groomsmen, musicians or organist.

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Q: Does the maid of honor at a catholic wedding need to be catholic?
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Can you have a matron of honor and a chief bridesmaid at a wedding?

A chief bridesmaid is the maid or matron of honor. You can have one of each, and as many additional bridesmaids as you want--there are no rules. However, too many can look ridiculous and make taking pictures difficult.

Can a Catholic be maid of Honor at a non-Catholic ceremony?

You would need to speak with your priest about this. It is important that you know if either of the parties getting married is a Catholic. If either the groom or the bride is a Catholic and it is a non-Catholic ceremony, I can tell you now that you will not get permission. Neither would you get permission if either party was divorced.

Do a bride and bridesmaid have a verbal contract?

* Your Maid of Honor (single woman) or Matron of Honor (married woman) and your Bridesmaids should all be in verbal contact as the wedding party consisting of the Maid of Honor, Bridesmaids, (if there is a Flower Girl or Ring Bearer) is enhancing the bride by leading the precession down the church aisle so it's better to be in contact with your Maid of Honor and Bridesmaids at least once or twice a week. You will need to let them know when they will have to choose the dresses you want them to wear; what color scheme you have chosen; if you are paying for their dresses and shoes or they are responsible for paying. They will also need to know when the wedding rehearsal is and also if there is going to be a rehearsal dinner (which is after the rehearsal.)

Can Catholics serve as a bride's maid in Lutheran wedding?

Yes, the bridal party (groomsmen, bridesmaids) do not have to be Lutheran.Roman Catholic AnswerYou need to speak with your pastor, your priest about this. If either of the people getting married is Catholic then they must get married before a priest. If both of them are protestant, then there is nothing wrong with the wedding, but whether a Catholic may participate in a non-Catholic wedding as an official witness, that you would have to ask your priest.

Do you need a chief bridesmaid if you already have a maid and matron of honor?


What are the duties of a maid of honor?

The maid of honor's job is to be the bride's best friend. As her closest friend, you should continue doing all the things that a best friend has always done. Be there for her when she needs you, listen if she has problems, help her if you can, get excited with her over what is going on in her life, etc. Typically, a MOH chooses to throw a shower or bachelorette party, and she will typically choose to help the bride with a few wedding tasks. While not required duties, these are nice things that you should do for your best friend if you can. You will probably also need to sign the marriage license, and you can give a toast or a speech at the reception if you want to.

If you give a shower gift do you also need to give a wedding gift?

Yes, if you give a wedding shower gift you will also have to give a wedding gift. Many brides register at different stores so you could ask her maid of honor; bridesmaids or her mother what stores she has registered at and then go to one of the stores and get a print out of the articles this bride has chosen and choose which one that best fits your budget.

Why Catholic wedding is required for a spouse to be baptized as a Catholic?

Because, if you were not a catholic, and so werent your fiance, you would need i think at least one of you to be Catholic or you couldn't get married in a Catholic church. Why would you if you werent catholic, you know what i mean?

Do you need a maid?

No, you do not need a maid for anything.

If you are married in the Russian Orthodox Church is it possible to be married again in a Roman Catholic Church?

Assuming no divorce has taken place, which would require an annulment, yes, if you have changed from Orthodox to Catholic it would be possible to renew your wedding vows in a Catholic Church. There would be no need for a full blown wedding, however, as the Catholic Church does accept the sacraments of the Orthodox Church as valid.

Can a Catholic receive Holy Communion if divorced from a non-Catholic?

.Catholic AnswerMaybe. You would need to make an appointment with your pastor, sit down, and discuss it, telling him all the circumstances of the wedding, etc. He will tell you what the next step is.

Can i be in a catholic wedding if i m not catholic?

*If you are not a Catholic, you cannot be married by a Catholic priest or in a Catholic church. * You need to check that answer above because i don't think you are right. Non Catholics can get married in the Catholic Church. One partner has to be a Catholic and the other should be a baptised Christian but ideally the couple should contact their local priest.