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While First Communion usually takes place in May, there is nothing that forbids it during Lent.

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Q: Does the Catholic Church permit 1st Communion during Lent?
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Can a Christian who is not baptized take communion?

It is not advised to receive Communion in a Catholic Church unless you are Catholic. The code of canon law allows for emergency situations when a Catholic priest can administer Communion to a non-Catholic, however, the non-Catholic would have to believe the Catholic doctrines concerning the Eucharist and so such emergency situations are practically restricted to the Orthodox. Euristic Communion in the Catholic Church implies one believes in the Catholic Faith, its sacrarisments, doctrines and the person is free from sin. As a Catholic we should not be offended by someone elses uneducated decision to take communion, instead we could try to explain to our fellow Christians what their taking of communion in the Catholic Church is stating. You do belong by Baptism to Christ, and you do have a relationship to His Church through Baptism. However, in Catholic belief Baptism does not permit one to receive the Eucharist. If you do receive communion in a Catholic Mass you are saying that you believe Catholic Truth, accept Catholic unity, accept Catholic doctrine and belong to the sacramental unity - without that being the case your "communion" taken in a Catholic Church is not a true "communion" per the Catholic beliefs. When you are taking communion in the Catholic church you are affirming in good conscience that you accept Catholic teaching, and you discern the Real Presence as Catholics hold it to be. Catholics have an educational process call catechism, our children can not take communion until they in essence "graduate" from that educational process having learned about the Catholic sacraments and our beliefs. Adults who wish to become Catholic must also complete educational classes, called RCIA and when they "graduate", mature in the Catholic beliefs (fully understand what they are affirming) they receive their first communion during Easter mass. Meanwhile the Catholic Church welcomes our children, visitors, other Christians, and Adult RCIA participants to participate in the communion portion of the mass through receiving a blessing for their Christian faith. This is accomplished by the person crossing their arms by placing your hands on the opposite shoulders. Eucharistic Ministers (those who pass out the communion) know by this process that a blessing is given in lue of the Holy communion Eucaristic sacrament. FYI- Catholics believe in seven Sacraments , each has it own spiritual commitment and significants "An outward sign instituted By Christ to give Grace, Christs loving gift of himself to his Church". They are: Baptism, Confirmation, Euchstist, Marriage, Reconciliation, Annoiting of the Sick and Holy Orders. "Through ones Catecumenal Journey we can fully appreciate his gifts when we understand the true nature of the sacraments " Peace to All.

Can a Greek Orthodox Catholic get confession and communion from a Roman Catholic priest?

If the penitent (the one confessing) is Greek Orthodox, not in full communion with Rome, he is welcome to confess to a Catholic priest, either a Roman/Latin one or a "Greek" or "Byzantine" Catholic. He is also permitted by the Catholic Church to receive any of the other Sacraments/Mysteries in our churches, without this indicating in any way a wish to become Catholic. However, his own jurisdiction may not permit this (it can even be excommunicable depending on jurisdictions), so he should check with his own parish priest, spiritual Father or bishop. Usually the Orthodox bishops only permit it in cases where there is no Orthodox parish or mission accessible to the Christian in question.If by 'Greek Orthodox Catholic' we mean someone who is a Byzantine-rite Catholic following Greek traditions but already in full communion with Rome, then he can also receive any of the Sacraments in any Catholic Church. It's not an issue..Catholic AnswerAs noted in the answer above, your question is a little confused as there are Greek Orthodox Christians and there are Greek Catholic Christians, they both follow an identical Rite, while the first in not in communion with the Pope, and the second is. If by "Greek Orthodox Catholic" you are referring to an Greek Orthodox Christian, then, WITH THE LOCAL BISHOP'S PERMISSION, the Greek Orthodox may receive confession and Holy Communion if he is in immediate danger of death and is unable to get to a priest of his own communion. Under any other circumstances, he would be required to convert first. A Greek Catholic Christian is already Catholic and is required to receive Holy Communion and confession regularly from a Catholic priest. Please note that there is no such thing as a "Roman Catholic priest" unless you are speaking of a Catholic priest in the diocese of Rome: It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church.

Does the United Church of Canada permit same-sex marriage?

Yes. This church, the second largest In Canada after the Catholic church, accepts and performs same-sex marriages which are legal throughout Canada.

Why did they permit children at age seven to receive Holy Communion?

.Catholic AnswerFor the full explanation, please see the decree, Quam Singulari, put out under St. Pius X, who returned the age of administering Holy Communion to the age of reason. In the early Church this was done as early as the first week after birth when they were baptized, but for various reasons, notably profanation of the Most Holy Eucharist, this was discontinued after the thirteen century.

Does the Catholic Church recognize marriage if a Catholic woman marries in a Episcopalian Church?

Any marriage, which takes place in the Catholic Church, is valid. When one wishes to marry, one should contact his local priest; the priest will give instructions to the couple and the non-Catholic must agree to raise the children in the Catholic Faith. If the priest determines that the intentions of the couple are in union with Church teachings, he will permit the marriage. However, if one were to marry outside the Church...the Marriage is not valid.

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Or, just become Byzantine Catholic rite where married priests are permitted (marry before priestly vows). I think some other Eastern Catholic rites permit it, too, but I'm not sure.

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Yes, this church does permit same-sex marriage.

Which churches permit same-sex marriage?

I cannot speak for all denominations, but many Protestant denominations allow women priests or ministers. The three that most people would know about are 1. The United Reformed Church (including Presbyterian and Congregationalist) that has had women ministers for decades. 2. The Methodist Church that also has had women ministers for decades. 3. The Anglican Church (which includes the Episcopalians in the USA) that also allows women priests, and, in some Anglican churches, women bishops too. The founder Church of the Anglican communion of Churches, the Church of England, has had women priests since the 1990s, and is currently exploring the consecration of women bishops. There are many other churches that have women leaders (eg the Salvation Army) although they are not regarded as 'ordained' in the same sense as the above three churches.

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The main differences is that the Catholic is not allowed the couple to take a divorce document.For them,the couple must have a discipline when they are already married.For the Church of England,they allowed it but the Gospel of Mk 10:11-12. did not permit it.They are also women who become cleric.

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The answer depends on the local church as well as the denominational rules. Some churches restrict participation in Communion to adult members. Some permit children of adult members to participate if their parents have given permission (and presumably have instructed them on the meaning of the sacrament). Other churches permit anyone who can say that they are a follower of Jesus to participate, regardless of whether or not that person belongs to any church.

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The English king henry VIII decided to separate his nation from the catholic church after the pope refused to permit him to divorce his wife. henry established the church of England, also called the Anglican church. The church of England kept most catholic beliefs, but rejected the power of the pope. English reformer William Tyndale believed the Anglican church should reject all catholic beliefs and practices. In England people debated whether to keep most catholic beliefs or adopt more protestant reforms.

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