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Q: Does gamestop discount all games on black Friday?
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Can you use your Gamestop edge card on playstation network?

Afraid not my friend. The GameStop Edge Discount card is only good in GameStop/EB Games stores or online at

Can you use your Gamestop Edge card to buy items in the store?

Well, that depends on what you mean. The Gamestop Edge card is not a credit card, so in that way you cannot use it to pay for anything. It also can only be used in a Gamestop store, not at the grocery store or something. It does give you a discount on used games at Gamestop though, so if you are paying with a credit card or with cash and buying used games, you can use your Edge card to get a discount.

Is it best to get Rock Band 3 at Gamestop?

Gamestop also has a section that sells used games, you can check that department for the game. Also you can check out for used games, as well as E Bay. If you can buy the game used, you will get a discount.

Can you get a discount on Pokemon SoulSilver if you trade in some PS2 games at gamestop?

um well no if you put the money on a special EB games card yes so yes and no

If you go to Gamestop can you swap a white ds for a black ds?

No. BUt you can trade-in games and the ds towards a black one

How much is Pokemon Black and White?

Pokemon Black and White are 40 bucks (39.99) at eb games or at gamestop. But at Target its 35$

What store will have Pokemon Black and white?

gamestop, toysrus, EB games, kmart, coles, JB hifi playntrade, and walmart will have the games

How much are video games on black Friday?

they can be $50 dollars or under

What games can you play on plaststaion three?

black ops madden uncharted mw1,2,3 alot of games go to gamestop or your local game provider

Has Gamestop stop distrubuting Celebi?

It might have last month I think for the new Pokemon Black and White games, I can't really say if it has or not but I think gamestop stopped distributing Celebi.

I'd like to know when and where I should shop for electronic deals on Black Friday.?

Amazon started their Black Friday sale early, they are having a whole week of sales, not just on the Friday. They stock all sorts of electronics and games.

How much would Gamestop give someone for 2-3 xbox360 games?

It depends what the games are and each Gamestop varies. Call your local Gamestop and ask.