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  • When a man gives an engagement ring to the one he loves at that time and they split up the woman in question does not have to give the ring back as it was a gift to her. However, if the ring is a family heirloom it would be nice of her to give the ring back.

Actually this is based off of your state's laws and sometimes, if it goes to court, the judge's verdict. In many states, the engagement ring is used as a symbol of two people entering into a contract to get married. If they do not follow through with the contract (no marriage) then the ring must be returned to the person that bought it. The ring does not belong to the woman until she is married. It is not a "gift." It is a symbol of a contract.

Conclusion : Yes You should give engagement rings.

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14y ago

Answer 1:

If he broke off the engagement, you can keep the ring. If you broke it off, you must return the ring. However, if the ring is a family heirloom, the decent thing is to return it.

Answer 2:

No matter what, no matter who breaks it off, diamond engagement rings or bridal sets should be returned.

Answer 3:

Answer 1 is generally regarded as the law in all states that I've heard of. One could consult an attorney if in doubt.

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15y ago

Not sure if it's the law but it seems to be that if the woman breaks off the engagement then she should return the ring, especially if it was her fiance's family heirloom. On the other hand, if HE breaks off the engagement then the woman keeps the ring.

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No, there is no law (in the US) requiring that she give back the wedding and engagement ring. Totally correct because the rings are considered a GIFT.

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I believe you are asking if you can give just the engagement ring and not the whole wedding set. Please clarify the question, if this is not the case. Yes, you can give just an engagement ring. Usually the man proposes with an engagement ring and then the wedding band is worn after the wedding along side the engagement ring.

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If you are married she should already have an engagement ring. You give her the engagement ring when you propose, before the wedding is even planned.

Does a person need to give an engagement ring back to male?

Unless it is a family heirloom, then no the young woman does not need to give the ring back to her ex fiance. He gave it to her as a gift and it is hers. There is no reason he should want it back because if he met another woman and wanted to give her an engagement ring she would not appreciate getting a ring he had given his previous love.

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Whether England, the U.S. or Canada when an engagement ring is given to a young woman it is hers to keep. However, although rare sometimes the young man may give a family heirloom as the engagement ring and it would be gracious of the ex fiancee to give the ring back to her ex fiance.

Can I get the engagement ring back by Oregon law?

You would definitely have to look into your local laws and even consult with your lawyer on this matter but usually when you give an engagement ring it is a gift and belongs to her. If she wants to give it back that would be up to her. Have you tried asking/telling her you want it back?

Is a woman obligated to give back an engagement ring if the man broke off the engagement?

No. An engagement ring is given in contemplation of marriage. If the marriage occurred the contract was completed and the ring became the woman's property. Unless there was some prenuptial agreement the ring belongs to her.