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-- One Answer --

Seventh-day Adventists enjoy laughing and good humor as much as anyone; perhaps even more, to compensate for illicit pleasures which they abstain from. April fool's jokes, however, often hinge on deception and/or making fun at someone's expense. The "seventh-day" of Adventism reflects their strong belief in the Ten Commandments, which also forbids the "false witness" that many practical jokes entail. And their strong belief in Jesus entails not needlessly upsetting anyone. What if the prankee had a heart-attack? ‎"Like a madman shooting firebrands or deadly arrows is a man who deceives his neighbor and says, "I was only joking!" Pr 26:18-19

-- Another Answer --

There is no official Adventist doctrinal position on April Fools day. Some Adventists hold the above stated position and some don't. There have been some Adventist churches that have included April Fools as part of the church service. It is a matter of personal choice.

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