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Q: Do people play games on Kwanzaa?
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What games do Kwanzaa people play?

they play and make corn husk dolls.

What games are played on Kwanzaa?


What are people that celebrate Kwanzaa called such as people that celebrate Hanukkah are called Jewish?

People who celebrate Kwanzaa are African American.

What countries celebrated Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa was created in the U.S. for African-American pride. About 98% of the people who celebrate Kwanzaa are from the US And Are Black.

In what year Kwanzaa first estabnlished and who who is credit for this?

Kwanzaa was started by an evil man that tortured people.

What clothing do people wear on Kwanzaa?

There is really little tradition for Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa was started in the United States in 1966 and has not had time to develop lengthy traditions.

Where do the people celebrate Kwanzaa?

in there home

What games do Nigeria people play?

roll the joint

Do people who celebrate Kwanzaa get presents?


What activities do people do during Kwanzaa?

i need the answer

Does Kwanzaa have presents?

No, it is Christmas for the black people.

What happens when people celebrate Kwanzaa?

well, people have fun:)