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Answer: Although more money is spent on Christmas than Thanksgiving (food + gifts vs. food), more people celebrate Thanksgiving (a secular holiday) than Christmas ( a Christian religious holiday.)

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14y ago

Christmas. Its celebrated all over the world, whereas Thanksgiving is only celebrated in America

I disagree with Christmas. There are many countries in this world that do NOT have Christmas. In fact, the population of the world that celebrates it is smaller than the ones who don't. The entire middle east, Asia, and Africa do not celebrate it.

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15y ago

Christmas is celebrated more in the US than the 4th of July.

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Q: Do more people celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving?
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Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.Easter Sunday is the most important feast in Christianity. The Christian faith is based on the Resurrection. St. Paul said that if Christ is not risen our faith is in vain. Christmas is important because it was coming of Christ, but he came to tell us about God and die and then rise again. So the reasons he came and what he did are far more important than his actual arrival. Most people celebrate Christmas more, with parties and presents and also because it coincides with the end of one year and the start of a new one, but that is more a societal thing that a religious thing. From a Christian point of view Easter is far more important, even though people don't celebrate it as much as they celebrate Christmas.

What is meant by the phrase Holiday Season?

Holiday season commonly refers to the beginning of Thanksgiving, ending New Year's Day. This is a special time for many people as various holidays are celebrated such as Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and more.

In what month are Christmas charity cards most popular?

The month that the Christmas charity cards are usually most popular is obviously December. Maybe if you want to be more obvious, it's usually right after Thanksgiving.

Why do you celebrate thanskgiving?

Americans celebrate thanksgiving because the british came and the tri bes came and gave them food. There was a hige feast with more than 50 wild turkeys. Thanksgiving is celebrated as a time to give thanks for the harvest and to remember what "The Almighty has given to us." A time for Family to get together, and thank God for what he has done. It is usally time for family reunions.

Where can one learn more about the Christmas season?

One can learn about the Christmas season from one's family members. Another source of information are books which can be checked out from the library. Friends who celebrate the tradition of Christmas can also offer one a wealth of infomation about all aspects of Christmas!

How people in Canada dress for Thanksgiving?

People in Canada dress at Thanksgiving exactly the same way they would do for any other day in the middle of October. Which is to say, not t-shirt weather, more sweater and jacket weather.

Is a holiday is better than birthday?

Yes holidays is better than birthaday because its your birthdays you only get 1 present per person and when its a holiday like christmas you get more then 1 present per person.Another reason is because when its your birthday You only get to se your friends, but when its a holiday like thanksgiving or christmas you get to se your hole family.My last reason is that christmas or thanksgiving you get to eat a lot of food but when its your birthday you only get to eat snacks and cake.

Why do people give so many Christmas gifts?

People give Christmas gifts for a variety of reasons. First, the Christmas holiday is meant to celebrate the birth of Christ, and gifts are traditionally part of a birthday celebration. Second, retail advertising has lead to more and more gifts given at Christmastime as a physical showing of love and affection for family, friends, and those who have been particularly helpful to one during the past year. Third, over time society as grown more affluent, and with that growth in disposable income has come a proliferation in the number and value of gifts given at Christmastime.

Why do people complain Christmas is too commercial?

People complain that Christmas, and many other holidays, are becoming more commercial because it is becoming more about presents and big name brands releasing their christmas products than about spending time with the family and cherishing what you already have.

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