Leprechauns are fantasy creatures and do not exist.
so they can create magic Irish dust which is the main ingredient in Guiness
St Patricks day is the Irish National Day and Leprechauns are only found in Ireland, people therefore dress up like Leprechauns on that day. Of course they can't really look like Leprechauns because the tallest of them is only 18inches and the smallest not less than 14 inches.
No. They come out in March on Leprechauns day at night.
Actully there is a StPatricks day on club penguin and even look by ur self
on saint-patrick's day
They come out rarely at day time but sometimes at night. You can get Leprechauns to come out at day and night only on St. Patricks Day.
no they are not real
the pot of gold
Aliens, Zombies and Pedophiles.
Starts in 1 in the mornig ends at 9 in the morning