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It depends on the state. It also depends on the vendor. Some work under the table and don't collect sales tax when they should while others are very diligent about complying with tax laws. Some might not collect tax on the whole bill either.

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Q: Do florists need to charge sales tax?
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Whether you need to collect sales tax depends on where you and your customer is located. If your customers are in the same state as the physical location of your business, they owe sales tax on items. If you are shipping merchandise to a state where your business does not have a location, you will not need to collect sales tax.

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If the sale is via the internet and the California seller has no Illinois location, then no, you don't need to charge Illinois sales tax. You'll need to consult California tax law to know whether to charge him California tax, but probably don't need to charge it either. If the sale is in person in California, then yes, you should charge him California sales tax. If the sale is via the phone you could probably get away with calling it an internet sale and skip the tax, although it depends more on California tax law than Illinois tax law.