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Q: Do fall trees turn the same color every year?
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Do leaves change color every fall?

It depends sometimes a leave can be yellow and next fall it can be red but usually it stays the same color every fall :)

What forest is same as temperate forest?

the forest that is the same as the temperate forest is called a deciduous forest. it is a forest of trees that change color in the fall, loose their leaves in the winter, and grow new leaves in the spring and sometimes have blossoms in the summer. deciduous means the leaves change colors fall of the tree then grow again.

Why don't objects fall to earth at the same velocity?

Air resistance of an object can slow its fall. If every object had the same resistance, everything would fall at the same speed.

What does the color purple denote?

If there are purple paint marks on trees it is the same as no trespassing signs

Why doesnt evergreen trees lose there leaves?

Evergreen trees also loose their leaves one by one. Since all the leaves do not fall at the same time we do not notice this kind of leaf fall.

What happens to leaves as they fall from the trees?

they hit the ground while farting and screaming at the same time

What year did not fall on the same day a week a part?

Every year

Are there dates that fall on the same days of the week every year?

no your mom is

What if every animal was the same color?

Then we wouldn't know which animal is which:)

Are Autumn and Winter basically the same?

No, Winter is a snowy season and Autumn is when Lot's of leaves fall off trees!

Do elephants and giant trees have big cells?

steven no they have the same cells. same as every thing it goes into each other

Did all Irish people have red hair in the renaissance Era?

No, hair color is based on gentics. unless every one was from the same mother and father not every one would have the same color hair.