I would assume an easter basket.
On Easter Sunday, children in America usually recieve candies, such as jellybeans and chocolate. They also recieve outdoor knickknacks, such as jumpropes, or Hula hoops. Uaually parents get their kids random items. Hope this helps!
The Friday after Easter Sunday is Easter Friday.
Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring. Godd Friday is the Friday before that Easter Sunday.
Easter Sunday 2014 was on the 20th of April, so Easter Friday, which is the Friday after Easter Sunday, would be on the 25th of April. You may have meant Good Friday, the Friday before Easter Sunday, which was on the 18th of April.
Easter Friday, which is the Friday after Easter Sunday, was on the 29th of April in 2011. You may have meant Good Friday which was the 22nd of April in 2011.
In 2006, Easter Sunday was on the 16th April.
Good friday
In 1929, Easter Sunday fell on March 31. Easter Monday then fell on April 1 and Good Friday fell on March 29.
Easter Sunday is a celebration of the day Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus Christ), was resurrected THREE DAYS AFTER HIS DEATH.The Death of Jesus, on the other hand, is signified by Good Friday, which is the Friday that precedes Easter Sunday.
Sunday, Monday and Friday.
In 1934, Easter Sunday fell on April 1st (not joking). Good Friday fell on March 30th.
For Christians there is an Easter Saturday although it is not as dramatic as Sunday or Friday. Friday is when Jesus died on the cross. Saturday is when Jesus was placed in the tomb and Sunday is when Jesus resurrected and went back to Heaven.
On Resurrection Sunday also known as Easter. Easter Sunday, as you mention, commemorates His resurrection, not His death. That is observed on Good Friday.