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It is compulsory for Muslims to fast Ramadan days unless they have a licit excuse as being on travel, sick, pregnant, or feeding a child, or any other licit excuse. It is the fourth pillar of Islam five pillars. Refer to question below.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Of course! They also run fast you know? Haha just kidding. Yes, Muslims fast. They fast in the month of Ramadan.
Yes of course Muslims fast. It is one of the 5 pillars of Islam, meaning it is mandatory.

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15y ago

With regard to the pregnant woman, it is permissible for her not to fast if she fears some harm which she thinks will most likely affect her and/or her baby. Breaking the fast becomes obligatory if she fears that she may die or be severely harmed if she fasts.

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14y ago

all but these catagories:


period women (they should fast the misserd days after period)

very old people and sick that cannot be treated(instead of everyday 2.5 kg wheat)

travelers(like women should fasy instead of missed days )

for better instructions visit

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13y ago

No not all Muslims have to fast during Ramadan, only children are the ones not to fast during Ramadan. If you are a Muslim then feel free to improve.

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12y ago

They are required to fast from sunrise to sunset

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10y ago

Every mature,sane person has to observe the fast except if he/she is sick or on a distant travel(further than 77kms radius away from home town).

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13y ago

Yes Muslims fast the month of Ramadan.

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Where do Muslims fast during Ramadan?

Muslims do not have to go to any special place to fast.

What is the name of the month that Muslims fast in?

Ramadan is a month of obligatory daily fasting in Islam. It is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar.The month of Ramadan.

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Muslims must give to the poor and needy.Muslims must fast during Ramadan.

In what religion is Ramadan celebrated?

Ramadan is not a religion, it is a month within the Islamic calendar.

When should Muslims fast?

They should fast during the month of Ramadan, and the hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca.

How do muslums break their fast during Ramadan how is the end or Ramadan celebrated?

Muslims only fast while the sun is up during the month of Ramadan. All other times they can eat, drink, etc.

In Ramadan can a person fast if they drink alicohal?

Ramadan is a Muslim holy time. Only Muslims observe the fast during Ramadan. The fast preculdes observant Muslims from eating or drinking anything between sunrise and sunset. Muslims don't drink alcohol. So, no, it would be wrong for a Muslim to drink alcohol at any time, including Ramadan.

What do people do instead of fasting during Ramadan?

All Muslims must fast during the month of Ramadan, unless you're not Muslim you should be fasting.

In what religion do you fast for 30 days?

In Islam during the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast during the day, but eat at night.

Do Muslims eat with their families during Ramadan?

Well they don't need to but all Muslims during Ramadan break their fast together, of course excluding time differences but Maghrib for each country is the same.

Do Muslims eat and drink during sun light hours?

During Ramadan, those Muslims who are supposed to fast (mature), will not eat or drink from sunrise until sunset. If it is not Ramadan, Muslims are not obligated to fast, but it can be Sunnah (visit for more information on Sunnah).