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In the evening when the sun has set. And early in the morning before sunrise.

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Yes. During Ramadan, Muslims are only permitted to eat from sundown (aftaar) to dawn which is nearly one hour and 20 minutes before sunrise , in islamic term it is called saher .

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Q: Do Muslims have until sunrise to eat during Ramadan?
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Do Muslims eat and drink during sun light hours?

During Ramadan, those Muslims who are supposed to fast (mature), will not eat or drink from sunrise until sunset. If it is not Ramadan, Muslims are not obligated to fast, but it can be Sunnah (visit for more information on Sunnah).

When do you eat during Ramadan?

Muslims wake up an hour or two before dawn and eat. Then they fast until the sun sets. They then break their fast. Contrary to some beliefs, Muslims do not "pig out" all night, then sleep all day. Muslims rest at night just as usual, and may take a nap or two during the day to keep their strength up.

What are some Ramadan myths?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calender. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and sexual relations from dawn until sunset. During Ramadan, Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins.

What rule about food do Muslims observes during Ramadan?

Muslims feel that the food that is available should be food that other Muslims enjoy; as well as oneself. At Ramadan- Muslims feast on ALL of their favorite foods... even foods they were banned to respect during fasting... such as -Pork -Beef -Alcohol Muslims enjoy the Ramadan because it is a time to "pig out" (as one might say)... after Muslims follow their religious path into fasting or starving themselves from Sunrise to Sunset. Water... also counts as a part of fasting that is not allowed.

What are Muslims not allowed to do during Ramadan and what time of days does this happen?

During Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, or engage in sexual activity from dawn (Fajr) until sunset (Maghrib). Additionally, they are encouraged to avoid engaging in negative behaviors or acts such as lying, gossiping, and other forms of misconduct throughout the entire day, not just during fasting hours.

Where do people celebrate Ramadan?

This may or may not be right but in class at school it was said because if you know that a prophet fasted for a long period of time, so to remember the story Muslims fast to and gain rewards, etc. At the end of Ramadan there is Eid, a religious celebration, where you have a big banquet! Ramadan is celebrated wherever there are Muslims who wish to celebrate it.

What do Muslims do on the 30 days of Ramadan?

Salam Brother or sister, here's three things that Muslims usually do during Ramadan Wich is August. 1. Read the Quran Or Listent to it (You earn good deeds while Reading). 2. Pray Muslims defentely prey during ramadan, (To ask for forgivness and pradise) 3. Fasting, Fasting is the main thing in Ramadan. 4. And the Day right After Ramadan finishes People pray until the morning light, Because allah said in the Holy book of the Quran that you will go to A very special Paradise made for thos who fast and did the prayer after the night of Ramadan

Are Muslims aloud to swallow silivieur on Ramadan?

No, Muslims are not allowed to swallow saliva intentionally while fasting during Ramadan. The general rule is to avoid ingesting anything, including food, water, or any other substances, from dawn until sunset.

What is an important duty for the followers of Islam during the month of Ramadan?

An important duty for followers of Islam during the month of Ramadan is fasting from dawn until sunset. This includes abstaining from food, drink, smoking, and intimate relations during daylight hours as an act of self-discipline, spiritual reflection, and submission to God.

What some senegalese holidays can anyone tell you?

one is Ramadan for muslims. you can't eat until sundown

What do Muslims eat during Ramadan?

In Ramadan, Muslims eat once before dawn and then they fast all day until sunset. After sunset they can break their fast with whatever they want but it is recommended to break fasting with dates and water. Then, Muslims can eat whatever they want as long as it is not haram (not allowed). Refer to the related question below for more information.

When are muslims allowed to eat during ramadam?

Muslims are allowed to eat before dawn, known as suhoor, and break their fast after sunset, known as iftar, during Ramadan. They abstain from food and drink from dawn until sunset as an act of worship and self-discipline.