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Q: Did people expect the tsunami in 2004 Boxing Day?
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What is the name of the 2004 tsunami?

The 2004 tsunami is commonly known as the Indian Ocean tsunami, or the Boxing Day tsunami, as it occurred on December 26.

How many people died in the Boxing Day 2004 day tsunami?

150,000 people died in the tsunami

How many English people died in the Boxing Day tsunami?

It is estimated that around 150 British citizens died in the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.

How many people died in Indonesia in the boxing day tsunami?

It is estimated that around 230,000 people lost their lives in Indonesia as a result of the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.

When was the 2004 tsunami?

On Boxing Day (26th December) It killed around 275000 people

What time was the boxing day tsunami?

The Boxing Day Tsunami occurred on December 26, 2004. This was one of the most detrimental tsunami's to hit Indonesia on record.

Was the japan tsunami in 2011 bigger than the Boxing Day tsunami 2004?

No, it´s the opposite. boxing day tsunami was one of the biggest tsunamis in history

Is the tunami 2004 Boxing Day real?

yes it is watch it on youtube its called: 2004 boxing day tsunami

How many houses were destroyed in the boxing day tsunami?


When did the 2004 boxing day tsunami happen?

I would venture a guess at 26 December 2004

How many people were killed in the hurricane Katrina and boxing tsunami?

Hurricane Katrina resulted in about 1,833 confirmed fatalities in the U.S., primarily in Louisiana. The Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 caused an estimated 230,000 to 280,000 deaths across 14 countries in South and Southeast Asia.

What was the actual date of the Boxing Day tsunami?

December 26 2004.