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It is possible to get tahini that is hechshered kosher l'Pesach. However, these products are kitniyot so the majority of Ashkenazi Jews would not eat it.

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Only if it says Kosher for Passover on the carton.

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4y ago

Your off-the-shelf bottle of Heinz or Hunts won't generally do, but Kosher for Passover ketchup is commercially available. It needs to be made with real sugar and not corn syrup in order to satisfy Ashkenazic restrictions against eating kitniot (talk about getting down into the weeds) and it has to be made with kosher vinegar (wine vinegar is problematic unless it is made from kosher wine). And, of course, to be kosher, the manufacture must be overseen by a Jew who can be trusted to know all the rules.

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Q: Can you eat sour cream during passover?
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It is not recommended to eat sour cream after the expiration date has passed as it may pose a risk of foodborne illness.

Is it safe to eat sour cream past the expiration date?

It is not safe to eat sour cream past the expiration date as it may contain harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

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Most ice cream is not kosher for passover, but you might be able to find ice creamwith a reliable Passover hashgacha (kosher certification for passover). But if it onlyhas a regular year-round kosher symbol, that doesn't by itself mean that it is kosherfor passover.(Note that while it might be possible to find ice cream that is kosher for Passover,you cannot eat it as part of the Passover Seder meal, as ice cream is dairy andthe Seder meal contains meat. The Torah forbids Jews to mix the two.Addendum (by another contributor):My mother used to make ice cream during Passover.

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Only if it's certified kosher for Passover.

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It means that you can't eat them during Passover.

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No. You should eat lamb instead

Is sour cream bad if it's watery?

If cold sour cream is added to a hot dish too quick, it will curdle. You have to temper the sour cream first by adding some of the hot dish to the sour cream slowly stirring, then add the mixture to the hot dish

When does a Jewish person eat the Passover meal?

Passover is not a time of fasting, so Jewish people can eat during the middle of the day during Passover.

How do you eat grass?

Mix with sour cream and put on a bake potato! YUMMY

What do Christians eat on Passover?

Christians can eat whatever they wish during the 8 day holiday of Passover. Although Passover is a Jewish holiday, Christians also acknowledge it.