chimpanzees cannot speak because ,unlike humans their vocal cords are located higher in their throats and cannot be controlled as well as human vocal cords
We call them 'pedestrian crossings' but we have different names for them depending on the exact type. For example a certain kind has black and white stripes, we call these 'zebra crossings'.
"Sweet" in Yiddish is "ΧΧΧ‘" (zis).
zits, zeds, zags, zigs, zoos, zees
α½ΟΞΆΟΟ (Oizys) is pronounced: Oh-ee-ZEES. She was the goddess of woe, distress, worry, and anxiety.
zags, zaps, zeds, zees, zeks, zeps, zigs, zips, zits, zoos
Check out Chimpan A... they are influenced by Pink Floyd in some ways :) & Check out Dylan Panek...tons of Pink Floyd influence
beet, deep, feed, geek, heel, Jeep, keep, lees, meet, ne'er, peer, reed, seed, teed, veep, weep, zees
EZ! Go into the inn in rougepourt, climb the stairs, go through the left door, BAM, you're over zees t's and at the lovely howz of badges.
Oasis des papillons is a French equivalent of the English phrase "butterfly oasis." The pronunciation of the masculine prepositional phrase -- which translates literally as "oasis of the butterflies" -- will be "wa-zees dey pa-pee-yo" in French.