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Q: Can ash be solidified
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Solidified Volcanic Ash

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What is the bits of rock or solidified lava dropped from the air?

tephra and ash bombs

How is solidified volcanic ash called?

Solidified volcanic ash is called tephra or volcanic rock.

What us the surface of volcanic mountains made of?

Solidified lava, sulphur, volcanic ash.

What is the descridtion of tephra?

Tephra is basically ash, rock, cinders, and solidified lava spurted from a volcano.

What is a igneaus rock?

Igneous rock is a rock that has solidified from previously melted material.The word from ignis meaning fire in the original Greek.Subdivided into Plutonic, which have solidified underground, and Volcanic which erupt as liquid (and ash) from the earth's surface.

What Bits of rock or solidified lava dropped from the air?

When a volcano erupts, it sends out bits of rock, lava (solidified magma) and ash into the air. Then, gravity pulls the debris towards the ground so the debris drop, or fall, from the air.

What is the definition of layer of ash and lava?

A layer of ash and lava is a geologic feature formed by the deposition of volcanic ash and solidified lava during volcanic eruptions. These layers can build up over time to create thick sequences of volcanic material, which can be preserved in the rock record as distinct stratigraphic units.

Why is volcanic ash extrusive igneous rock?

Volcanic ash is considered extrusive igneous rock because it forms from volcanic eruptions where magma is rapidly cooled and solidified on the Earth's surface. The fine particles of ash are ejected from the volcano and settle on the ground, eventually compacting to form a rock-like material.

How do you spell solidified?

Solidified is spelled: S-O-L-I-D-I-F-I-E-D.

What two common types of solidified lava found around volcanoes erupting on land?

1. Cinders (clumps of ash as large from 2 - 64mm.)2. Bombs (blocks of lava that flies through the air along with the ash, these usually fall within 3km[2mm] of a volcano's vents)