Four leafed clover is considered to be lucky.
luckier than four leaf clover.
A clover is a small three or four leafed plant.
Usually in a meadow.
A four leafed clover is considered lucky.
No it is not. Most naturally occurring clovers only have 3 leaves. That is why a four leafed clover is considered to be good luck; because of it's rarity. Technically speaking, a clover with four leaves is a slight mutation of the clover genome. Much like a man who has six fingers on one hand, only that case is far rarer than a four leafed clover.
Yes, finding a four leafed clover is said to be good luck.
Steve Colbert was quoted on March 17th, 2010, "That the shamrock represent the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit "That is why the Four Leaf Clover is so Lucky … You Get a Bonus Jesus"
The four-leaf clover is often confused with the shamrock. While the four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck, the three-leafed shamrock is mainly an Irish Christian symbol of the Holy Trinity and has a different significance.
The four leaf clover became lucky a long time ago in ancient Ireland. First off four leaf clovers are rare so if someonefound one it was a sign of good luck. That is how the four leaf clover became so lucky!
It Varies.....its not certain and it changes places. I found it at the Lighthouse while my friend found it at Stellar Salon.
I guess I get where this can be confusing, because both are clovers, but it’s pretty clear: A shamrock has three leaves, and a four-leaf clover has, well, four.Though there are around 300 species of clover, a shamrock isn't one of them—in fact, it could be any of them. Any type of clover that typically has three leaves can be considered a shamrock. The shamrock is the main symbol of St. Patrick’s Day and all things Irish because it’s supposedly what St. Patrick used to illustrate the concept of the Holy Trinity. Four-leaf clovers, on the other hand, are just freaks of nature in those same species of clover.