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The answers is no, if he wasn't divorced,yes,because the catholic church recognises the orthodox church as valid since they were one church before.However if he is divorced he is not allowed in either catholic or orthodox.

A Catholic can marry any non- Catholic, and it is recognized as a sacrament in the Catholic church. Only when the individual has been previously married there is an issue. In which case that individual must have their previous marriage annuled. The Catholic church permits Catholics to marry in the Orthodox church and it is a sacrament. I have spoken to Catholic priests and Catholic Bishops and they do not see a problem with a Greek annulment, as being an impediment. If that individual did not have their marriage previously annulled than it would be an issue.

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No, an Orthodox person cannot marry in a catholic church at all. The Orthodox church only allows this type of marriage (as an exception/by dispensation) to take place in an Orthodox church.

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Q: Can a divorced greek orthodox woman marry a catholic man in a catholic church if her first marriage was annulled by the greek church?
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