September 1953 had 31 days because September always has 30 days, and there was an extra day added that year for a total of 31 days. The extra day was added in February, making it a leap year.
Oh, dude, August has 31 days, and September has 30 days. So, like, if you add them up, that's a grand total of 61 days. Math is hard, but not as hard as trying to remember how many days are in each month!
September has 30 days. December has 31 days
March - 31 days May - 31 days September - 30 days So, there are 92 days in total
There is no September 31st. There are only 30 days in September. "30 days in September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, Except February alone..."
Combining the days of January and September gives 61 days. (31 + 30 = 61)
September has 30 days. May and August both have 31 days.
61 days in total, January has 31 and September has 30.
January had 31 days. February had 28 days. March had 31 days. April had 30 days. May had 31 days. June had 30 days. July had 31 days. August had 31 days. September had 30 days. October had 31 days. November had 30 days. December had 31 days.
There are 31 days in the month of January and there are 30 days in there are 30 days in the month of September. All together, there and 61 days in January and September.
All months have 31 days EXCEPT February, April, June September & November
September never has 31 days.