In Islam there are only two holidays Eid al-fitr and Eid al-Ahad
it is haraam to participate in holidays other than those two Eids.
It is a pagan holiday that no Muslim should celebrate.
Answer 2I, personally, see no problem in Muslims celebrating Halloween. Maybe if these were the older days it wouldn't be right, but today I see nothing wrong with it. Halloween isn't really used for warding off evil spirits anymore. These days it's really just a night for kids (and maybe adults) to dress-up like anything they want to and go out and have fun. The part where people pass-out candy is for kids so that they can get more fun and enjoyment out f HalloweenChat with our AI personalities
Muslims are allowed to celebrate Halloween because it is not about religion type of celebration, Even in a Islamic school they would say you are allowed to celebrate.
It appears that celebrating Halloween is something not all Muslims agree on. Some participate in Halloween and allow their children to go trick or treating and some do not.
No they can't as it is a pagan celebration. It is useful to know the origin of the Halloween to recognize why Muslims are forbidden from celebrating it.
Halloween originated as the Eve of Samhain, a celebration marking the beginning of winter and the first day of the New Year among ancient pagans of the British Isles.
On this occasion, it was believed that supernatural forces gathered together, that the barriers between the supernatural and human worlds were broken. They believed that spirits from other worlds (such as the souls of the dead) were able to visit earth during this time and roam about. At this time, they celebrated a joint festival for the sun god and the lord of the dead. The sun was thanked for the harvest and given moral support for the upcoming "battle" with winter. In ancient times, the pagans made sacrifices of animals and crops in order to please the gods.
They also believed that on October 31st, the lord of the dead gathered all the souls of the people who had died that year. The souls upon death would dwell in the body of an animal, then on this day the lord would announce what form they were to take for the next year.
When Christianity came to the British Isles, the church tried to take attention away from these pagan rituals by placing a Christian holiday on the same day. The Christian festival, the Feast of All Saints, acknowledges the saints of the Christian faith in much the same way that Samhain had paid tribute to the pagan gods. The customs of Samhain survived anyway, and eventually became intertwined with the Christian holiday. These traditions were brought to the United States by immigrants from Ireland and Scotland.
Virtually all Halloween traditions are based either in ancient pagan culture, or in Christianity. From an Islamic point of view, they all are forms of idolatry (shirk). As Muslims, our celebrations should be ones that honor and uphold our faith and beliefs. How can we worship only Allah, the Creator, if we participate in activities that are based in pagan rituals, divination, and the spirit world? Many people participate in these celebrations without even understanding the history and the pagan connections, just because their friends are doing it, their parents did it ("it's a tradition!"), and because "it's fun!"
So what can we do, when our children see others dressed up, eating candy, and going to parties? While it may be tempting to join in, we must be careful to preserve our own traditions and not allow our children to be corrupted by this seemingly "innocent" fun. When tempted, remember the pagan origins of these traditions, and ask Allah to give you strength. Save the celebration, the fun and games, for our 'Eid festivals. Children can still have their fun, and most importantly, should learn that we only acknowledge holidays that have a religious significance to us as Muslims. Holidays are not just excuses to binge and be reckless.
In Islam, our holidays retain their religious importance, while allowing proper time for rejoicing, fun and games.
Let's not say 'forbidden', the Halloween is a day celebrated in some countries, USA, Canada and British island.
Muslims living in anywhere of earth are to share the celebrations of their people and to congratulate them in every occasion,
yet Muslims have their own fests which they celebrate their own, which are the two Eids 'fests', Fitr and Adha.
besides, every Muslim nation has its own national celebrations, linked to a remarkable event that happened in that specific country, and they are many...
people in every nation celebrate their occasions in different and unique manner, which gives the charm of human diversity along the vast earth.
Halloween is originally a religious day that is against the Islam teachings and accordingly is forbidden in Islam. Halloween, celebrated each year on October 31, is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic and Roman religious rituals and European folk traditions that blended together over time to create the holiday as known today. Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity and life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. Halloween has long been thought of as a day when the dead can return to the earth, and ancient Celts would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off these roaming ghosts.
refer to related link below for more details on the histor and origin of this day.
they dont
they do nothing because the y are not allowed to celebrate Halloween because it'against there realign to celebrate Halloween so don't go and tell they why they can't celebrate Halloween it's not nice to do that
Muslims celebrate EID which is being thankful for what we have and we also celebrate Ramadan which is fasting. we fast to know how poor people feel without food and trust me you should really appreciate it. i am a Muslim and some Muslims if they choose to celebrate is Halloween, Christmas, thanksgiving, Easter and other celebrations but for Diwali and vasaki, MuslimS don't celebrate it that much because it is not part of our culture.
They don't celebrate Halloween
No, Muslims are not allowed to celebrate birthdays. This is a haram. This would be idle worship. Muslims only worship Allah and no one else. kasey7866's answer muslims are not allowed to celebrate birthdays is because it is following the christians ..... some muslims belive and know that by celebrating birthdays it cuts of one year of your life......... thankyou Vesperian Mage's answer: I come from a muslim family and we all celebrate our birthdays, it's not not allowed (if that makes sense). It usually depends on the manner how you celebrate. Eg: Muslims do not go to clubs and pubs and throw wild parties and stuff. Some muslims either have a birthday party at home where they invite close friends and family and others prefer to eat out in a resturaunt. (just simple and nice:]) Though the older people tend not to celebrate their birthday's, a portion of the above answer explains that. Thank you.
they celebrate Halloween the same as Americans
I do not know if Kuwait celebrate Halloween.
The Native Americans did not celebrate Christmas or Halloween. The early colonists did not celebrate Halloween either, and most did not celebrate Christmas.
The answer is yes. They do celebrate Halloween in Germany
Yes, they do. I believe they celebrate Halloween parties.
Yes, people in Wales do celebrate Halloween.
Yes, Lebanon does celebrate the holiday Halloween.