Ash Wednesday is the 1st day of Lent which concludes before the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday (Maudy Thursday). Lent has six Sundays; the final one, known as Passion (or Palm) Sunday, begins Holy Week. Starting with the Mass of the Lord's Supper (in Holy Week) through the Easter Vigil is the shortest season of the Church Year: The Sacred Triduum.
As an aside, Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday") was the day that Christians feasted before the beginning of the Lenten season, a period of prayer and fasting in which Christians preparation for Easter. Lent is when we walk with Our Lord, during those 40 days He spent praying and fasting in preparation for His Crucifixion and ultimate Resurrection on Easter Sunday
You are marked with an ash on Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday starts Lent.
No!Lent begin during Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday is the day that kicks off the start of Lent.
Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".Lent begins in the Catholic Church forty days before Easter always on a Wednesday, which is called "Ash Wednesday".
The Sunday after Ash Wednesday is the First Sunday of Lent.
Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday is the liturgical Season of Lent.
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday.
Wednesday February 6th (Ash Wednesday)
Yes you can play on ash Wednesday apart from if that is what you have given up for lent but I doubt that
Ash Wednesday, the beginning of lent is February 17.