The only Greek Empire was the one created by Alexander the Great. It was not a successful empire, as it did not survive his death.
The cause of the Roman empire expansion was successful military campaigns. The effect was that as the Roman empire grew, so did the number of enemies.
The Ancient Egyptian Civilization; A civilization is not just a political region; it is also a form of government. Historians routinely see Roman Civilization consisting of three phases: the Roman Republic (509 BC - 27 BC), the Roman Empire (27 BC - 476 AD), and Byzantine Empire (395AD - 1204AD). The Ancient Egyptian Civilization is divided into the Old Kingdom (2700 - 2200BC), Middle Kingdom (2040 BC - 1640 BC), and the New Kingdom ( 1550 BC to 1070 BC).
Charlemagne was a successful leader because he (whether its good or not) converted much of western Europe to Christianity, he unified western Europe, he extended his empire, he also blended many traditions (germanic Roman and Christian). He also set up a strong and efficient government.
as the holy roman empire furthered itself, the ambitions of German emperors became greater. However they had so much ambition, but were not successful because the pope 3wanted to gain power over them.
The First Crusade was successful and the Third Crusade was partially successful.
The Roman Empire and the Egyptian Empire may be considered as the most successful.
Two highly successful empires from ancient times were the Egyptian empire and the Roman empire. Now you do the rest of your homework and figure out for yourself why they were successful.
Two highly successful empires from ancient times would be the Roman empire and the Persian empire. There was also the Egyptian and Assyrian empires that could count as being successful in their own times.
The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.
The Egyptian empire
the egyptian empire began in 3000 B.C. it lasted for about 3000 years.
Geography. Egypt's natural borders- The Nile, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Sahara desert- provided an almost impossible route for invaders to attack and overthrow the empire.
Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.Possibly the Egyptian empire was the oldest as at around 1425 BC, Egypt expanded its territories.
The Egyptian name for Amen is empire.
Nile Valley
The egyptin empire lasted 3000 BCE