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Spartacus was a Roman slave and gladiator who was the head of a slave rebellion against the Romans. He was very successful for a long time. That's about all we know about him. Historians are not even sure if Spartacus was his real name or a "stage name" he used during his gladiatorial career. They think he was a Thracian prisoner of war, but again, not sure of that either.

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13y ago

Spartacus was famous for leading a slave revolt in ancient Rome. The revolt although at first successful was eventually crushed by the Roman military under the command of the Roman senetor Crassus.

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14y ago

He basically lead a HUGE slave revolt against the ancient Roman army. And he was defeated. But he was the only one to actually try.

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10y ago

Spartacus was one of the three leaders of the Third Servile (slave) War, one of the slave rebellions which occurred during the period of the Roman Republic.

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12y ago

Spartacus became famous for his leadership of a gladiatorial/slave revolt.

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What was Spartacus's hobbies?

Very little was written about Spartacus and not much is known about him, including what his hobbies were.

Who is Tiberius in spartacus?

In Spartacus, Tiberius is the son of Marcus Licinius Crassus. He is a young Roman man with short dark hair. He is impulsive and known for making irrational decisions.

What happened to spartacus' wife?

Nothing is known about that. It is not even known whether Spartacus had a wife. If he had one, he would have been separated from her when he was enslaved. All we know about Spartacus is the battles he fought against the Romans.

Did Spartacus live before Julius Caesar?

No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.

Who crucified Spartacus?

Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.

Related questions

What was Spartacus's hobbies?

Very little was written about Spartacus and not much is known about him, including what his hobbies were.

What is the movie Spartacus about?

As the title should tell you, the movie Spartacus is about the gladiator who escaped along with others and terrorized Italy. Much of the movie versions of Spartacus are fictionalized as very little is actually known about the person called Spartacus.

Who were spartacus parents?

The parents of Spartacus belonged to the Maedi tribe. Spartacus was probably born in what is now Bulgaria; in his time, the region was known as Thrace.

Who is Tiberius in spartacus?

In Spartacus, Tiberius is the son of Marcus Licinius Crassus. He is a young Roman man with short dark hair. He is impulsive and known for making irrational decisions.

What happened during spartacus childhood?

It is not known. Hardly anything is known about Spartacus. All that the Roman sources tell us is that he was one of the leaders of the slave rebellion which historians call the Third Servile War.

What was Spartacus's last name?

There is no other name on record except Spartacus. Almost nothing is known of the man before his enslavement. Also we don't even know if "Spartacus" was the man's real name. It could very well have been a pseudonym that he used. The name Spartacus connoted the city of Sparta, known for its fighters, and would fit very well as a stage name for a gladiator.

How many children did Spartacus have?

There is no record of children. Plutarch says Spartacus had a wife, a Thracian who was enslaved with him. The name Spartacus is otherwise attested in the Black Sea region: kings of the Thracian dynasty of the Cimmerian Bosporus and Pontus are known to have borne it, and a Thracian "Spardacus" or "Sparadokos", father of Seuthes I of the Odrysae, is also known.

What happened to spartacus' wife?

Nothing is known about that. It is not even known whether Spartacus had a wife. If he had one, he would have been separated from her when he was enslaved. All we know about Spartacus is the battles he fought against the Romans.

Spartacus what nationality is the name?

The name "Spartacus" is a Latin name. It had no nationality as such. The rebel gladiator Spartacus was said to be from Thrace and also was said to have served in the Roman army. Many auxiliaries either Latinized their names or changed them completely to a Latin (Roman) name.

Where did spartacus originate from?

It is not known. Roman writers speculated that the rebel gladiators were Gauls or Germanics.

Did Spartacus have a son?

It's possible, but its not known weather Spartacus had any children. All we know for certain about him is that he was an escaped gladiator who led a slave revolt against Rome. Anything else is speculation.

Did Spartacus live before Julius Caesar?

No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.No, Julius Caesar did not figure in the Spartacus events.