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Athens explorers of this time wanted a water trade route to replace the overland route of the Silk Road. The overland routes were long, dangerous and goods often didn't reach the European markets. It was reasoned that water route was faster, ships could carry more items, and less dangerous.

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Q: Why was Columbus looking for a short cut to china?
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On the short-haircut website, one can find many different styles of short hair-cut on both women and men. It is a website designed for inspiring people looking for a shorter cut.

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to cut short

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Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator. The purpose of his first voyage was find a shorter route to Asia, particularly India. Instead of finding Asia, he found the New World.

How short do you cut them?

as short as it is called for

How short should i cut my bob'?

I say cut it as short as you want. But if you want really short go for the pixie cut, if you want moderatly short i would go for the inverted bob.

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The idiom is "cut you short." That means to interrupt someone. Example: "I hate to cut you short, but I am due back at the office."

What the short cut from Europe to Asia?

Technically there is no short cut since the two are connected, but the Middle East is considered the short cut between the two "continents"

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