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Nomads were wanderers, and they typically had to move around a lot with all their stuff depending on weather conditions, crops, etc.

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Q: Why did the nomads have a hard life?
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What is an example of a sentence using the word nomads?

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How was settled village life different from nomadic life?

Settled villages were different from nomadic life because settlers stayed in one place. But nomads moved from one place to another to find food. Settler actually grew crops and lived in groups. Nomads live in one whole as a family.

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who is nomads?

A nomad is a person who moves from place to place as part of their way of life.

What is the synonym and antonym for nomads?

A synonym for nomads is wanderer. An antonym for nomads is homebodies.

Where are the nomads now?

Nomads are in america

How are the nomads related to the African deserts?

People who move from place to place as part of their way of life .

What are Kenyan nomads called?

Nomads One tribe of Kenyan nomads is called Masai.

What are the similarities of nomads and sedentary?

Both nomads and sedentary people have social structures and cultural traditions. They both seek food, shelter, and security. However, nomads rely on mobility for resources, while sedentary people establish permanent settlements for the same.

What describes a nomatic life?

Nomads are generally speaking a group of people that migrate to various places based on the climate or food supplies. They do not create a "home base". Nomads still exist in some countries.

When was Nomads R.F.C. created?

Nomads R.F.C. was created in 1989.