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Q: Why did the Europeans want all-water routes to orient?
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Because the other routes were to dangerous and too expensive.

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The Ottomans and Mongols controlled the land routes to China and they were not about to let a bunch of European Christians go and get money in the Orient... without attacked, stealing and killing.

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Europeans mainly wanted spices for trade. The merchants at that time wanted to make a huge living and as their trading became better with people, they looked for things that people would want or find valuable.

Why did Europeans want to find quicker sea routes?

because they use to import spices from ASIA..... and quicker trips earn them lots of bucks... and as it is known that spices in those days was costlier than some of the precious metals.....

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cause europeans are dumb

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The europeans wanted freedom and supply from the congolese.

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go to and type in what you want

Why did the Europeans want to trade with the Indies?

Europeans wanted to trade with the Indies for valuable goods like spices, silks, and precious metals that were in high demand in Europe. They also sought to establish new trade routes to bypass the monopolies of Arab and Venetian merchants. Additionally, the potential for profit from selling these exotic goods drove European exploration and colonization efforts.

What did Europeans want to get to as the destination for exploration?
