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Because it was cold.

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Q: Why did people begin to use more coal during the Victorian era?
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Related questions

Where did Victorian coal miners work?

In coal mines.

Why did the number of coalfields increase during Victorian times?

In the Victorian Era, the majority of power was generated by steam, which was done by burning coal. The increased urbanization and Industrial Revolution created the need for much more power, and therefore more coal to generate it.

What did coal mining Victorian children pull the coal in?

carts i guess

What wages did Victorian coal miners get?

10 shilings

What era did swamps form and coal begin to develop?

I believe it was during the Permian and Pennsylvanian eras.

What did Lord Shaftesbury do as a Victorian?

Coal actFactorie actBecome old

How many Victorian kids died in the coal mines?


What poor children got for Christmas in Victorian time?

A lump of coal

Where is coal begin to form from?

Coal is formed from plants, which turned into peat, then lignite, then coal.

What did poor Victorian children wear when they worked in coal mines?

top and trousers

How much did a coal miner get paid in the Victorian times?

Coal miners in the Victorian era were paid low wages, typically earning around 15-25 shillings per week. The work was extremely dangerous and the conditions were harsh, leading to widespread poverty among coal miners and their families.

What jobs did Victorian boys do?

They worked as farmers, in Coal mines, as chimney sweeprs etc...